Spin Tricks Toys Safety
You should feel good about buying Spin Tricks Toys and games!
- Our toys contain ZERO lead
All Spin Tricks Toys products are made to meet or exceed safety standards set by the U.S. government. In fact, our stringent safety procedures have been in place for years at facilities that make Spin Tricks Toys and games, in the United States as well as in China.
At Spin Tricks Toys, we know that setting high standards is not enough. Companies must ensure that their standards are being adhered to, and we do. We have very robust lead paint testing and inspection procedures in place to ensure that our stringent standards are met. These procedures include:
- comprehensive lead paint testing before paint is applied, during production and before our toys leave the manufacturing facilities.
- frequent, unannounced inspections by Spin Tricks Toys employees and independent auditors at manufacturing facilities.
When you shop for toys, you can be confident that Spin Tricks Toys brands have gone through the stringent safety procedures mentioned above. Spin Tricks Toys employees worldwide share a continued commitment to make the best toys and games possible for all of our children.
So look for the Spin Tricks Toys logo — because we care about toys safety as much as you do.